The Use of Contracted Forms of Albanian Language in Electronic Media Texts


Contracted Forms, Misuse of the Contracted Forms, Written Media, Correct Use, Connected Contracted Forms.

How to Cite

SHALA, F., & BEQIRAJ, X. (2020). The Use of Contracted Forms of Albanian Language in Electronic Media Texts. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 4(3), 47–51.


The contracted forms of literary Albanian are of dative case of all persons singular and plural and of the accusative case in the third person singular and plural. In certain syntactic constructions they merge and thus form connected contracted forms. When used near each other, the first is dative, while the second is accusative. Their use according to the norm are correct. Their topic in the sentence is arranged and a linguist or a lecturer should not miss the omissions in texts with short, separate, or connected forms. On the contrary, we encounter misuses of short forms of Albanian in texts of published and electronic media. They are incorrectly used in some syntactic constructions, marked by case in case, one by one. Contracted form locations and their referral to a different pronoun or name as a repetition of an object appear to be harmonized with the respective forms as an object or its repetition. They are placed in front of the verb forms of each tense. Except in imperative they have a double topic. The contracted forms during usage in the dative and accusative cases directly mark direct or indirect object. The contracted forms of the first and second person singular and plural, in the dative case, are often used to mark directly the indirect object. (p. 226) The misuse of the contracted forms is more common in the third person of the dative case when i.e. singular (i) is used instead of plural (u). We also encounter the incorrect use of the contracted forms of the second person plural of the dative case (juve) you instead of (atyre u). This research reveals the wrong use of contracted forms in the texts of some electronic media (portals) in Pristina and Tirana.


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