Psychological Factors Influencing Adjustment to Retirement


aging, life satisfaction, psychological well-being, perception, personality and respect.

How to Cite

HOXHA, A. (2019). Psychological Factors Influencing Adjustment to Retirement. PRIZREN SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL, 3(3), 22–31.


The quality of aging or life after retirement is determined by levels of psychological well-being and life satisfaction. The levels of psychological well-being and quality of life satisfaction can be influenced by multiple factors including personality, perception of individuals about aging and the quality of respect they get from others. This study was conducted with 170 elderly individuals ranging from 65 to 85 years of age. The results showed significant relationships between dependent variables such as psychological well-being and life satisfaction, and the independent factors including personality, perception of aging and respect from others.

Key words: Aging, Life satisfaction, Psychological Well-Being, Perception, Personality and Respect.


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